Favoritfotografer: Andreea Bogdan

Efter at have mødt min kære modeuge-kompagnon/kollega/ven, Andreea Bogdan, og fulgt hendes udvikling, er hun blevet en af mine favorit-fotografer. Hendes billeder har skønne geometriske træk, fantastiske kompositioner og fanger de fineste øjeblikke – hver gang, jeg fortæller nogen om hende, ender jeg tit med at sidde og køre igennem hele Andreeas Instagram med dem, for at vise folk hendes fantastiske arbejde.

Derfor har jeg nu tænkt mig at gøre det samme med jer, dog på en mere koncentreret måde. Jeg bad Andreea om at sende mig hendes favoritbilleder indtil videre og give en lille historie med om hvordan de blev taget.. Jeg er vild med billederne og de små historier og jeg håber også I bliver det!

Psssstt.. Måske kan I også finde mig et sted i flokken!


Andreea Bogdan_favourites_-4 “I still can’t believe I got this shot of Karlie Kloss! It was at the end of a long day of shooting, tired and feet hurting (no more heels while shooting!). I was having a coffee with Daniel (the Urban Spotter) and we both looked at each other and said: ‘Ok, should we go now? Yes, let’s go!’ As we walked outside, Daniel, in his usual exuberant manner, shouted “Karlieeee. It’s Karlie! Come on!’. We both got our ‘shot of the day’ at the very end of the day.”


Andreea Bogdan_favourites_-7 “Sometimes, the best photos come from very unexpected places! While on a break, between shows during Milan Fashion Week, i saw this lady. She was waiting to cross the street. I quickly got my camera out and took the photo. She gave me a nod, a large smile and ‘Grazie!’ before she walked away. 


Andreea Bogdan_favourites_-2“This is very high up on the list of my favourite shots. I love the composition, the colours and those shadows playing on the wall. I took it in Paris, after the Vuitton show. The whole atmosphere was overwhelming. Photographers running, paparazzi shouting and cars beeping. Eleonora was being photographed. A lot of people around her. Then she walked away. And I took my photo.”


Andreea Bogdan_marie_-6 “The time Marie and I jumped on a train and found ourselves in Venice! I love this shot! The way the light shines through the tiny venetian lanes, the movement in Marie’s hair and all the memories from that day!”


Andreea Bogdan_favourites_-8

 ” While shooting this past season, and kept saying to myself ‘stay true to your style and don’t just follow the crowd’. Because at times, it is so compelling to run where everybody runs and take shots of the same people, in the same places. Nothing wrong with that at all, but i’ve done it in the past, and I end up running and shooting without spending time to think. So before taking this photo, i took myself away, on a little side street, observing and waiting. I saw the scooter, the nice light falling on it and Kristina came to complete this very italian, ‘La Dolce Vita-esque’ setting.”


Andreea Bogdan_favourites_-10 “I think this photo marks the beginning of my ‘geometric framing’. It is not the first at all, but it is the one that made me realise that this is the way I prefer to shoot. I remember showing my photos to a friend, and she said: ‘why are people so small in your photos? You can’t really see what they are wearing.’ I guess it’s because I like to place an emphasis on the background and the way the subject relates to it’s surroundings, in order to create a visual narrative.”


Andreea Bogdan_favourites_-5“During Men’s fashion week, amongst all the dapper and very well suited guys, she was an unmissable, fiery appearance. And this is yet another case of seeing the background and waiting for the right person to come.”



Hvad synes I om Andreeas billeder? Og hvilket er jeres favorit?