new in: designer-loppefund


Da jeg, for nogle søndage siden, var smuttet til loppemarked i Mølleparken rendte jeg ind i en rar, ældre dame, der havde et fantastisk 90’er-joggingsæt hængende. Jeg gik hen og pillede det ned fra stativet – fuldstændig tossede med printet og den fjollede stil og fandt, til min store overraskelse, ud af at det saft susemig var et joggingsæt fra Gucci, som damens datter havde købt på en rejse engang i 90’erne! Jeg synes simpelthen at secondhand-tøj er det fineste, især når man har historien bag tøjet med. Jeg ville helst have jakken med hjem, men damen mente ikke at sættet skulle skulles ad, så jeg skulle betale lige så meget for jakken som for hele sættet.. og selv om jeg ikke viser bukserne her, anskaffede jeg mig hele sættet, for jeg kunne jo ikke lade det tilbud hænge. Jeg glæder mig til at komme i gang med at bruge jakken her, f.eks. med stramme jeans, et par sneakers og en god scrunchie i matchende farver, uhmm. Hvad siger I til mit heldige loppefund?

When I, some Sundays ago, went to a flea market at Mølleparken, I ran into a nice, old lady, who had an amazing tracksuit hanging on her rack. I went over and picked the tracksuit down from the rack – completely in love with the sprint and the silly style and, to my surprise, I found out that it was a Gucci-tracksuit, which the lady’s daughter had bought on vacation back in the 90’s! I really like that second hand clothes is so nice, when you get the story behind the clothes, when you buy it. I would rather just have the jacket, but wince the lady didn’t think that the suit should be split up, she told me that I would have to pay the same price for the jacket as I should for the entire suit.. and even though they’re not shown here, I got the pants as well, I just couldn’t let that great offer pass me by. I am so excited to get using this jacket, for example with tight jeans, sneakers and a nice scrunchie in matching colours, yum! How do you like my lucky flea market find?