the year in outfits #1

outfits 2014 nummer 1 nemesis babe marie jensen smaller#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9

As a part of my “year in posts”-posts, I can’t skip the most constant thing on the blog – the outfit posts. Here’s the first part of my favorite outfits from New Years until April – since I’m traveling most of January and February, I don’t have a lot of outfits from the colder months.

I love looking back at my previous outfits, since I can always remember what I did when I wore them – here’ a list of stuff I did in these looks – click the numbers to go to the outfit posts:

#1: New Year’s Even in my friend’s backyard
#2: Work and board game playing with my friends
#3: The first time I met Mø at fashion week in CPH and went totally fangirl on her
The day when I got photographed for the regional newspaper
The day, when I almost learned to do a head stand in yoga class
 A quiet and easy day with my sweet friend, Linea.
 The day I learned the recipe for the Danish summer dish, koldskål
The first day I went to an actual blogger event outside of Copenhagen thrown by MbyM in my hometown of Aalborg
The day I attended the blogger event for Elle Style Awards

Which outfits are your faves?