Torsdag nat gik det løs på Studenterhuset i Aalborg! Aalborgs hippe – og homoseksuelle – ungdom var mødt talstærkt frem for at fejre at Fagget Fairyes og Peaches var kommet til byen og var klar til fest! ved 23-tiden gik feerne på scenen og startede ud med lækre og super dansable house-beats. Den første halve time kørte med et beat, man ikke kender fra deres cd, men som de alligevel fik flettet deres teskster fra Feed the Horse-cd’en ind over, hvilket var vildt fedt! I baggrunden kørte videoer med homoseksuelle par der kyssede og piger i undetøj der slænger sig hen over en seng, hvilket gav den stemning som passede perfekt til musikken og de to fantastiske tøser. Da de endelig, efter utallige “spil nu feed the horse!”-tilråb fik denne vildt populære sang ud af højtalenre gik publikum amok. Mc Ena kom hen foran DJ-pulten mens massevis af piger rakte deres hænder ud efter hende, dansede med hende og en enkelt fik endda et godt greb om hendes røv. Der var så sindssygt meget fest til denne koncert at det var helt utroligt. Fagget Fairys ved virkelig hvordan man pisker et publikum op!
Peaches kom senere op på scenen og dansede med feerne og fik hendes greb om DJ-pulten før de to andre gik ned. “I like my beat fast and my bass down low” kørte som et house-mantra i et godt stykke tid og gav hele publikummet nyt mod på mere fest og flere dunkende rytmer. Før Fagget Fairys forsvand helt fra scenen kom DJ Sensimilla ind med to flasker champagne, hvorefter den kære Peaches kom op på pulten og stå og fik åbnet den ene flaske ud over publikum der gik totalt amok. Folk blev mere og mere klar på fest og dansen oppe foran scenen blev vildere og vildere – musikken kørte over i en acid house-agtig retning og jeg følte mig som en raver til et homo-techno-rave i Berlin i start-halvfemserne. Jeg måtte desværre forlade festen lidt før koncerten sluttede, da skolen kaldte fredag morgen, men alligevel kom jeg først i seng kl. 2.
Men alt i alt: Sindssygt fed koncert! jeg har set Fagget Fairys live før, og vidste at de ville gøre min nat til en fest men de gik godt nok langt ud over mine forventninger! Peaches har jeg – indrømmet – aldrig set eller hørt før, men jeg vil aldrig sige nej til endnu en koncert med hende! Hvis du har mulighed for det, så gør alt for at komme til koncert med disse piger! SYGO FED FEST!!
Thirsday night it got hot at Studenterhuset in Aalborg! This was where he hip – and homosexual – youth of Aalborg had chosen to be to celebrate the arrival of the Fagget Fairys and Peaches and were ready to party! About 11pm the fairys got onto the stage starting out with delicious, dancable house-beats. The first half hour wnet with a beat not known from their cd, but MC Ena sung the texts of the Feed the Horse-cd over the beats, which was amazng! In the background videos of gay couples kissing and gils in underwear on a bed was displayed on a canvas which brought a mood perfect for the music and the two amazing girls. When they finally, after many “play Feed the Horse!!”-heckling, put the popular song out through the speakers, the audience went wild. MC Ena stepped infront of the DJ-console into a sea of girls-hands wanting to touch her – one even got her hand on the pretty fairys butt! The concert turned into an extremely amazing party! These girls really know how to get an audience to go wild!
Later, Peaches came up onto the stage to dance with the fairys and to take over the DJ-console. “I like my beat fast and my bass down low” was the house-mantra that ran the first many minutes to make the audience even more ready to get their freak on and party like there was no tomorrow. before the Fagget fairys disappeared from the stage, DJ Sensimilla brought Peaches two bottles of champagne and Peaches got up onto the console and opened the first bottle out over the audience who went crazy. People got more into a party-mood, goingmad to the music, which now turned Acid House-ish and I felt like a raver at a gay-teechno-rave in Berlin in the beginning of the nineties. I unfortunately had to leave the party before the concert ended because school waited for me Friday morning at 8, but I first got to bed at 2am – damn I was tired Friday, but it was SOOO worth it!
To conclude: amazing concert! insane concert! I’ve seen fagget Fairys before, and I knew that they would bring me a party that night, but the exceeded my expectations to the max! To be honest, I’ve never seen or hear Peaches before, but I know after that concert that I would never hesitate to get tickets to a Peaches-concert from now on! If you have the opportunity to go to a concert with these girls, you must not hesitate to go! such an amazing, insane, crazy wild concert!