London weekend diary + mini guide

On my weekend trip to London to visit ASOS and my friend, Isabella, I had a blast, I had great food, I had great company and I experiences new places in London, that I’d never been to before. So here’s a little diary from my weekend trip plus a bunch of links. I didn’t get to do a lot of shopping, but I had amazing food, so the links’ll mostly be to the restaurants that I visited.


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DAY 1: The first day was well spent at ASOS HQ. Here we were a bunch of Northern European bloggers, who got to check out the winter and party collections, chat to the ASOS pr people, designers and social media crew. We also had the grand tour of the head quarters.

We weren’t allowed to photograph at the offices of at the photo studios, but all I can say is that it is insane. ASOS is such a well-oiled machine, shooting and filming up to 500 items a day, if not more. An items on a model is shot in just four minutes, filmed on the runway for 10 seconds and then the model changes clothes and starts over. more than 4000 items go though shooting at ASOS each week! I would’ve loved to get to show you everything!


In the evening we went to dinner with the ASOS team at Bistroteque in Shoreditch – such a recommendable place. Beautiful, cosy and with the best food.


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DAY 2:

My second day was spent with my great friend, Andreea, at the café Albion in Shoreditch, and then we went out to scout locations for shooting outfits. When we were done, Andreea caught a train to an other shoot and I spent the afternoon walking around. In Shoreditch I had lunch at Kick, I walked around Bethnal Green and on Columbia Rd I bought some cute vintage books on art and furniture design at a nice little shop called Mason&Painter.

In the evening, I grabbed my stuff at the Ace Hotel and went to stay with Isabella for the rest of the weekend. We talked all night at her house in Dalston and had out dinner at Café Route.


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DAY 3: On the third day I started off walking around Dalston, then I went to Broadway Market, with the street market, street musicians and street food. I took a long walk along the Regents Canal and then went to have lunch, read and people watch atLa Bouche and finished off with a caramel brownie before heading off to meet Isabella.

We met up at Tate Tate Modern, which is, if you didn’t know, free, except for the special exhibitions. A couple of hours went with art watching and then we went to shoot our outfits and then headed for Brick Lane, where we had the most amazing Thai food as Rosa’s.



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DAY 4: The last day before flying home was spent with early breakfast and a quick outfit shoot with Isabella and the cutest blue door that matched my traveling outfit so well!