Monday in Altafulla

outfitjune nemesis babe marie jensen danish blogger agurk dress-1outfitjune nemesis babe marie jensen danish blogger vacay altafulla agurk dress-5 outfitjune nemesis babe marie jensen danish blogger vacay altafulla agurk dress-2 outfitjune nemesis babe marie jensen danish blogger vacay altafulla agurk dress-8 outfitjune nemesis babe marie jensen danish blogger vacay altafulla agurk dress-7 outfitjune nemesis babe marie jensen danish blogger vacay altafulla agurk dress-9 outfitjune nemesis babe marie jensen danish blogger vacay altafulla agurk dress-4 outfitjune nemesis babe marie jensen danish blogger vacay altafulla agurk dress-6SUNNIES: PRADA, DRESS: AGURK, SHOES: ASOS

The days in Altafulla are being spent relaxing, playing board games, drinking wine and wearing as little clothes as possible. The heat keeps on making us drip with sweat, and we’ve become pretty indifferent about showing skin in the house.

Though, sometimes we have to wear something, when going outside, and for this, my new Agurk dress is great – well ventilated with the big arm holes! I love the print, and combined with the street like silhouette it has a perfect balance between being quite flashy and laid back at the same time.

I have two days left in Spain before doing back home to DK, spending some days working and then some pretty exciting things will happen! So now I’m just enjoying my last lazy days of vacation – I really should be at the beach in stead of in front of my computer right now – see ya!

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