PFW outfit 1

 photo blaringaringaringaringaringaringaringaring_zps85ee0674.jpgphoto source: Melodie Jeng at TheNYCstreets, Candice Lake for Teen Vogue


Pling! Så hopper vi lige fra London-outfits og direkte til Pariser-outfits – pt. kører jeg lidt outfit-indlæggende i den rækkefølge jeg får gode billeder af dem, så hvis I har set nogle fotos af mig på nettet, må I endelig lige sige til! Dette outfit er faktisk lidt specielt – det var det, jeg havde på min sidste dag i Paris, hvor solen skinnede og hvor jeg, til min egen ualmindeligt store glæde og overraskelse blev komplimenteret for mit outfit af selveste Carine Roitfeld(!!!!!). Jep, helt paf stod jeg der med kameraet rettet mod hende, da hun kom tættere og tættere på og begyndte at rose mit outfit. Wow. Så jeg var pænt lykkelig og høj på det hele dagen, plus jeg følte lidt at nu havde jeg gjort hvad jeg kunne opnå i Paris og var klar til at tage hjem igen. Nu til selve outfittet: Jeg er ih, så glad for det blå sæt – eller “sættet” som det hedder i folkemunde – og eftersom vejret på denne tid af året jo sjældent tillader sættet at stå alene, bestemte jeg mig for at køre stilen helt ud og hoppe i den blå frakke. Jeg selv og virkelig mange andre(og den tidligere chefredaktør på fransk Vogue, host host) var vilde med outfittet og derudover var det så skønt at have på. Derudover synes jeg faktisk at jeg har ramt den damede stil en smule her, dog med et 50’er-agtigt rockabilly twist, der bestemt ikke skader! Det øverste billede er taget af min nye fotograf-veninde, Melodie, som var så genial at spotte et fantastisk lys, da vi fulgtes hen til et show, og mon ikke hun har fanget det godt! Hvad synes I om outfittet og billederne?

Pling! We’re jumping directly from London outfits to the Parisian ones – right now the order in which they come are determined by the order in which I find goot photos of them, so if you spot me out there on the world wide web, please tell me! This outfit is actually pretty special – it was worn on my last day in Paris, where the sun was shining and I, to my own incredibly happy surprise, was complimented by Carine Roitfeld for my outfit(!!!!!!). Yep, completely humbled by her presence, I stood there with my camera pointing towards her, while she came closer and closer and finally started praising my outfit. Wow. So I was pretty blissfull and high on her compliment, plus it made me feel like I had done what could be done in Paris and was ready to go back home. Now to the outfit: I am oh, so fond of the blue pants and top – or just “the set”, by which name it usually goes – but since the weather this time of year doesn’t really allow the set to stand alone I decided to take it all the way and do a blue coat wih it. I, myself, and loads of other people(and the previous editor in chef of French Vogue, ahem) loved the outfit and it was lovely to wear as well. I also think I did a pretty nice ladylike style here, though with a touch of 50’s rockabilly, which certainly doesn’t hurt! The top photo is taken by my new photographer friend, Melodie, who, geniously, spotted an amazing light in the street, when we walked together to a show, and she captured it so well in the photo! How do you like the outfit and the photos?