PFW outfit 4

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Lidt forsinket er det, men det er der – det optiske outfit fra modeugen i Paris i marts! Jeg har ventet på at poste outfittet indtil det øverste billede, som Jason fra Citizen Couture tog, blev udgivet – og endda sammen med fire andre outfits HER. Så nu, tre måneder efter, kommer det altså ud, det optiske outfit. Jeg synes selv det er virkelig lækkert at prikkerne fra nederdelen spejler sig i cirklerne i printet på øje-trøjen og det, at der er en del “kapow” på, selvom outfittet kun indeholder to farver. Det var et ret gennemtænkt og lækkert outfit efter min mening – og ih, hvor får det mig til at savne Paris og modeuge, godt der er under en måned til den næste!  Hvad synes I om outfittet?

It’s a little late, but it’s here – the optical outfit from Paris fashion week back in March! I’ve been waiting to post the outfit here untill Jason from Citizen Couture posted the top photo – and it was published HERE with four more outfits he shot me in! So now, three months late, it’s here on my blog. I think it’s super nice that the dots from the skirt mirror the circles on the print og the eye-t-shirt, and the fact that there’s a lot of “kapow” in the outfit without it being too much and even though there’s only two colours. It was a pretty thought through and great outfit in my opinion – and oh, how it makes me miss Paris and fashion week, thank god ithe next one is in less than a month! How do you like the outfit?