Resort 15: Jensen & Yoko

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When looking through the resort collections, as they keep dropping in on, I couldn’t help but stop, when I clicked through the Peter Jensen collection to look it through once more. The collection itself didn’t make me go “Oooooh” and “Aaaah” as much as other collections that I love(though I wouldn’t mind owning the white outfit, the outfit with the yellow printed blouse and then the apple printed things), but it was how thought through everything was that made me stop and look again. And again. And again. So I thought I should show you some of my fave looks from the collection and talk a bit about it.

Peter Jensen have been inspired by the wonderful Yoko Ono for this collection(you don’t say!) and I love how he interpreted her art in such a colorful and playful, yet still understated way. There’s nothing in this collection saying “Look at me, I’m silly and colorful!”, but nothing that’s boring either – at all! The collections is so simple, yet I still think every piece has something interesting to bring to the table.. True Scandi design with a pop of Londonian color and print!

I really like Jensens way to make and use prints, because they really dominate an item, when he uses prints – but in a wiry elegant way. Like the apple sweater and the red and white striped sweater, which are both really simple, but still the attention grabbing item in an outfit. A type of prints that he’s been doing for a while, just like he did in these items:


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How do you like Peter Jensens resort collection? And which item is your fave?


Pssssst.. Here’s some bonus info: The dear Peter Jensen even went as far as hiring Onos own personal London stylist to style the models’ hair for the presentation and it is said that Ono is very flattered by and loving the gesture that is Jensens collection!