inspiration på en helt speciel dag

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I dag smider jeg lige nogle fine inspirationsbilleder i nakken af jer. Jeg tror det er en editorial fra tysk Vogue eller noget lignende og så er det med den geniale model Lindsey Wixon..  Nå, men grunden til at I dag er en speciel dag er egentlig at jeg i dag klokken 9:30 er blevet student! Tænk lige, helt færdig med gymnasiet og klar til at springe ud i den fagre verden, åh! Nå, men det var det jeg havde for i dag, vi ses i morgen, hvor I får mit studenteroutfit (og huen) at se.

Today I’m going to show you this bunch of inspiration photos. I think it’s an editorial from German Vogue or something like it and then it’s with this genious model, Lindsey Wixon! But I’ll just jump to something completely different – today is quite a special day! You ask why? Well this morning at 9:30 I graduated high school with my last exam! Gosh, to think that high school is over is so weird – now I’m ready to go conquer the world! But that was all for today, actually, see you tomorrow, when I’ll post my graduation outfit.