photo source: stylorectic
ps. I’m sorry for the gigantic amount of photos, I couldn’t help it!
Et sted, jeg drager en masse inspiration fra lige for tiden er bloggen Stylorectic. Jeg har først opdaget den for nyligt, men er allerede blevet afhængig af den. Nu kender jeg ikke navnet på bloggerinden bag, men hun er en utrolig talentfuld stylist og så ejer hun bare noget fantastisk tøj. Hun tager derudover virkelige godt billeder, både kvalitets- og kompositionsmæssigt. Ja, hun er bare en kæmpe inspirationskilde og jeg sidder og får idéer til mine egne outfits mens jeg bladrer gennem hendes arkiver. Så nu synes jeg hun skulle deles med jer, hvis I ikke allerede kender hende – for det burde I! Hvad synes I om hende – har I nogle favoritoutfits eller billeder? Jeg er selv vild med billedet med den orange BH og billedserien med metallic-nederdelen og orangelæbestift.
A place where I get a lot of inspirations at the moment is the blog, Stylorectic. I’ve just recently discovered the blog and now I can’t stop myself from checking it everyday. I don’t know the name of the blogger, but I can tell you, she’s one of the most talented stylists I’ve seen. And then she owns a lot of gorgeous garments, shoes and accesories! She takes some gorgeous photos, both in terms of quality and composition. Well, yea, she is a big inspiration to me and I constantly get new ideas for my own outfits when I flip through her archives. So I though it was time to share her with you – if you don’t know her yet, you definately should! What do you think of her – do you have some faveourite outfits or photos? I’m personally crazy about the photo with the orange bra and the series of photos with the metallic skirt and orange lipstick.