The Christmas gift guide from Instagram

In the beginning of this month, I teased for a little Christmas gift guide that has been going on my instagram throughout December through LikeToKnow.It, that send my gift guides straight to your inboxes – if your signed up for LikeToKnow.It, that is.

But for you guys, who haven’t joined in on the instagram gift guide, here’s a little recap!

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For the best friend: my friends and I don’t have a major gifting budget, so we’ll have to come up with fun little things that will make them happy without breaking my budget. A fun book, nice fuzzy slippers or a great clutch is the perfect gift!


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For the boyfriend: I have spent solo much time figuring out what to give my boyfriend – there’s so much that I want to give him! A cute sweater, a nice hat or fun gadgets for his phone.. And all of it is stuff that go for both luxury and low budget prices!


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For the sister: My sister and I don’t give each other super expensive presents, but tend to find fun things that we both like and give them to each other(yep, usually, we would love to get the thing we give the other). A set of nail polishes for a cozy manicure night, cute decorations or a nice phone cover is on the list!


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For yourself: This list is mostly built from my own wishes – now is the time t o give yourself something that you’ve wanted for a long time but have though to be a crazy everyday buy. I think it’s important to remember yourself during the holidays and spend on yourself too – the dream jeans, a nice set of underwear or even a luxury trip to the hairdresser’s.. Selfindulgence, yes please!


Which gift have you bought this Christmas for your loved ones and for yourself?