it’s not what you wear, it’s the way that you wear it

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Er det mig, eller ser vi mere og mere til både net-trøjer, vilde læbestifter, Doc Martens og generelt ret eksperimenterende påklædning i gadebilledet for tiden? Det synes jeg i hvert fald, så I den anledning har jeg sat mig for at vise jer denne fantastiske editorial, hvis I vil skrue tiden ca. 15 år tilbage og gøre det helt rigtigt. Jeps, sen 90’er/millenium-stilen gnaver sig langsomt ind i trendyheden og jeg har bestemt mig for at jeg ikke vil klage, til trods for at der er visse beklædningsdele, jeg stadig har barndomstraumer omrking, men som titlen siger: it’s not what you wear, it’s the way that you wear it! Så måske skulle man give sig ud i at eksperimentere med styling af millenium-tøj og se hvad der sker? Hvad synes I?

Is it just me or are we seeing more and more of net-tops, wild lipsticks, Doc Martens and generally more experimenting attire in the streets these days? I think so, so in that occasion, I decided to show you this amazing editorial, if you’s like to turn back time 15 years and do it right. Yep, the late 90’s/millenium style is slowly gnawing it’s way into trendiness and I decided that I’m not going to complain, even though I still have chilhood trauma about certain clothing items, but as the titles states: it’s not what you wear, it’s the way that you wear it! So should one start experimenting styling millenium clothes and see what happens? What do you think?