Monday at Elle Style Awards

outfit May nemesis babe marie jensen danish blogger at elle style awards-7 outfit May nemesis babe marie jensen danish blogger at elle style awards-5 outfit May nemesis babe marie jensen danish blogger at elle style awards-3 outfit May nemesis babe marie jensen danish blogger at elle style awards-8 outfit May nemesis babe marie jensen danish blogger at elle style awards-1 outfit May nemesis babe marie jensen danish blogger at elle style awards-6 outfit May nemesis babe marie jensen danish blogger at elle style awards-4 outfit May nemesis babe marie jensen danish blogger at elle style awards-2LIPS: RUSSIAN RED by MAC, DRESS: NICHOLAS NYBRO,, BAG: ADAX, SHOES: SHOESHIBAR

This Monday I went to Copenhagen yet an other time – this time I went to take part in the Elle Style Awards dinner and to view the show. Like last time, I went with Cathrine, with whom I shot outfit photos outside the concert hall before we went in – she was wearing the most formidable H&M-dress and I’d put on something orange.

When visiting with Nicholas Nybro last week, I couldn’t help bus ask if he’d let me borrow something to wear for the ESA and together we decided on an orange silk dress with frills at the chest and the coolest street like detail at the bottom with a pantsuit like hemline and neon orange laces. I’ve decided that for fashion week, fancy parties, the Fashion Blog Awards(where I wore Agurk) or Elle Style awards, I’d rather wear thrift clothes or new designers, that I want to help give a little push into getting more exposure.

I styled the fun dress in the spirits of the black tie-dress code: black eyeliner, red lips, a sleek(well, if it wasn’t so windy, it would’ve been sleek) hairdo, a classy ladies bag and black heels, which is quite seldom in my wardrobe. I and my feet had both forgotten the feeling of being on your toes for six hours, but luckily it was compensated for by the feeling of being ladylike and the fact that they made my legs look killer.


How do you like my ESA look?
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