ten items that I’ll be bringing to Copenhagen Fashion Week

bringing for fashion week copenhagen ss15-3 bringing for fashion week copenhagen ss15-2 bringing for fashion week copenhagen ss15-1ALL CLOTHES, HAT AND BLACK BACKPACK: SECOND HAND, SANDALS: VAGABOND, WHITE BACKPACK: ASOS, SLIPPERS: KENZO gifted by Sarenza.dk

The time has come: fashion week in Copenhagen has started and I’ve eloped to the capital.

Yesterday I quickly threw together a bunch of items that I’ll be wearing during the fashion week – for some reason this fashion week, I’m very attracted to red, blue, white and black as a theme for these outfits.
Each one of the outfits also has at least one item that I haven’t worn yet – the amazing bike racing t-shirt and a straw hat from Paris; a blue and turquoise t.shirt dress that I recently found in a second hand store; and a pair of nice new silk slippers, that you’ll be seeing more of soon.

Today I’ll be doing a bit of preparations and meetings before the fashion week starts – I’ll be filming a video on a fashion bloggers “diary” from fashion week for national Danish news paper Berlingske(I’ll let you know as soon as the video comes up!) and tonight I’ll be going to a fancy dinner.
Furthermore my fashion week will contain about 15 shows, 3 breakfast events, two street style jobs, a lot of networking(this time I brought the big bag of business cards) and of course the wonderful fact that I’ll be having out with my sweet blogger colleagues all week!


Are you guys going to fashion week? And what would you be wearing?