Året i outfits #3

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 Mine outfits fra sensommeren og det tidlige efterår, hvor jeg stadig vovede mig ud i bare ben, bragte nogle nye ting til outfit-indlæggene. Ting som ikke-neutrale baggrunde, denim, to farveløse med alligevel spændende outfits og hele tre outfits uden læbestift – jepper, jeg tror næppe mine… Læs mere Året i outfits #3

The year in outfits #3

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 My outfits from the lat summer and fall of 2014, when I still went for bare legs, brought new thing to the outfit posts. Stuff like non-neutral backgrounds, denim, colorless looks and three outfits without lipstick – yep, I don’t think my style experiments will stop… Læs mere The year in outfits #3

new in: basic but unusual

Recently I made my first non-thrift-buy in months. I got something that’s quite usual in most wardrobes, but in mine, it takes up about 1% of the space. I got myself a pair of jeans! And I actually love them – I think it might be because of their unusualness – all painted over with… Læs mere new in: basic but unusual
