

Primærfarver, geometriske former og gakkede poseringer var hvad, der var på menuen i går, da min søde veninde Kia, hjalp mig med at dokumentere mit outfit. Vi var smuttet på biblioteket for at holde picnic og spille flipperspil i børneafdelingen hele dagen – knap så biblioteksagtige ting at lave på biblioteket, men når man ikke har penge til dyr café-kaffe, må man vel være lidt kreativ. Jeg havde klædt mig på med lidt mere opmærksomhed på vejret, eftersom jorden stort set er frossen for tiden: jeg var hoppet i mine fantastiske, gamle Spice Girls-støvler, der kunne løfte mig et par centimeter over den kolde jord. Smart? Det tror jeg nok! Derudover stod dem på et halvbarnligt outfit med smækkjole i ruskind og den gakkede sweater, som, i anledning af outfit-fotograferingen, var blevet krydret med mindst lige så barnlige og gakkede poseringer, hvilket jeg finder ret passende. Jeg er i hvert fald selv ret glad for billederne! Hvad synes I om outfittet og billederne deraf?

Primary colors, geometric shapes and silly poses was what was on the menu yesterday, when my sweet friend, Kia, helped me document my outfit. We had gone to the library to have a picnic and play the pinball machine in the kids department all day – not exactly library-like things to do in a library, but when your wallet isn’t too happy about spending money on going to cafés, you’ve got to be creative. I’d dressed myself with a little more attention to the weather, since the ground is icy cold at the moment: I’d put on my fantastic, old Spice Girls boots to lift me an inch or two above the cold ground. Smart? I think so! Besides the boots, I’d put on a kind of childish outfit with a suede dungaree dress and the silly sweater, which, during the outfit photo shoot was spiced up with a bit of childish and silly posing, which I find pretty appropriate – I know I really like these photos! How do you like the outfit and the shots?