Obsession: Over the knee-boots

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photo source: Fashion Eaters, Collage Vintage, Vanessa Jackman

One thing I’m dreaming of these days is actually something that’s pretty practical. And pretty. And warm(kind of). I have gotten a small obsession with the over the knee-boots, after I figured that they’re my key item to wear short skirts and dresses this winter without freezing my legs to death.

Personally I’m all in on the long boots and their length really makes the shoe a huge part of an outfit – a statement piece so to speak. I usually always focus more on the clothes that on the shoes and accessories, but with these boots, I can do the opposite thing!

Yeps, I have clicked a pair of over the knees into my virtual shopping basket and got the sent home – and it’s even one of the pairs that you can see on this collage. I’m quite excited to see how they fit, since they’re bought online. Have any of you god some experience with that?

How do you like the over the knee-boots?



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Pssst.. I did an inspirational pinboard for styling over the knee boots – see it HERE!