outfitplaner for Paris

 photo IMG_6445-1_zps49c04319.jpg photo IMG_6462_zps9892bdce.jpg photo IMG_6439-1_zps5022f113.jpg photo IMG_6458_zps917a9eee.jpg  photo IMG_6465_zpscc48c664.jpgNu landede jeg jo i byernes by i går aftes for i dag at påbegynde den sidste modeuge denne sæson. Fra jeg kom hjem fra Milano til jeg tog afsted herned til Paris havde jeg 3½ dag til at hitte på nye outfits og heldigvis har jeg så hulens meget tøj, at det faktisk ikke var så svært at få sat en masse outfits sammen. Denne gang bliver der faktisk intet decideret damet outfit – jeg tror jeg går efter et lidt mere urbant og street-agtigt look denne omgang. Mit mest damede outfit er her noget, jeg kalder “det optiske outfit”, nemlig outfittet med øje-t-shirten, der nok skal give et pudsigt udtryk sammen med min prikkede midi-nederdel. Så har jeg også det blå sæt, der kan virke lidt damet med det blå sæt og frakken ud over. Et af de outfits jeg glæder mig mest til, tror jeg, er outfittet med strand-parasol-skjortekjolen, herre-læderjakken og kasketten, fordi jeg sjældent hopper i et outfit der er så “sejt”, selvom jeg synes det er hammerfedt. Egentlig er jeg super tilfreds med denne modeuges outfits og glæder mig rigtig meget til at have dem alle på. Hvad synes I om mine planer og hvilket outfit kan I bedst lide?

So, yesterday I landed in the city of lights to do the last fashion week of the season. Since I got home from Milan and until I left for Paris, I had 3½ days to prepare myself for Paris and make up outfits and luckily I have so many clothes that I quickly got a lot of ideas for outfits. This time I won’t have any outright ladylike outfit – I think I’ll be doing a more urban and street-like look this time. My most ladylike outfit here is one that I call “the optic outfit“, the outfit with the eye-t-shirt which might produce a quirky expression with the dotted midi-skirt. I’ve also got the blue outfit, which might seem a little ladylike with the blue gingham-set with the darker blue coat over it. One of the outfits that I look the most forward to, I think, is the one with the beach-parasol shirtdress, the men’s leatherjacket and the cap, since I seldomly wear those kind of streety outfits, even though I think it’s super cool. Actually, I’m really content with the outfits of this fashion week and I’m really looking forward to wearing them! How do you like my plans and which outfit is your favorite?