PFW snapshots: rouge

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Nu har jeg jo taget en hulens masse billeder i Paris og derfor har jeg delt dem ind i små kategorier. Denne omgang bliver med rødt tema, eftersom det gik op for mig at jeg havde fotograferet den farve ret meget. Jeg tror ikke jeg vil skrive helt vildt meget til disse billeder, men bare lade dem tale for sig selv.. Dog vil jeg lige pege ud at billede nummer 1 og 4 er mine klare favoritter. Det fjerde billede kan forresten også findes i sort/hvid (ja, ret overraskende, jeg ved det!) på bloggens facebookside. Hvad synes I om billederne?

I’ve been taking a hell of a lot of photos in Paris and therefore, I parted them into little categories. This portion has the colour red as a theme, since I realised that it was a colour that I’d photographed a lot. I’m not going to write a whole lot about these photos this time, I’ll just let them speak for themselves.. Though, I would like to point my faves out; the first and the fourth photo. The fourth photo is also to be found in black and white (pretty surprising, I know!) on the blog’s facebook page. How do you like the photos?