work = play

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 Lately I’ve really started working on the blog as if it was a full time job. First and foremost because I have got the time – I only work a couple of shifts a week on my two other jobs and I also just have so many ideas at the moment. Now that the blog has moved I can do so much more fun stuff than I used to be able to do, since I didn’t really feel like the blog was 100% my own. Now I’m by myself and I can do what ever I want! Something else that has caused me to work more on this is the fact that I started my own company this January, so that I can separate my blog-money from my “own” money and make everything much more professional. Yes, I feel so grown up!

To keep everything structured so that I know what to do and when to do it, and make sure that I don’t party and sleep all my days away, I did a glittery weekly schedule with plans for when I have to wake up, eat and work on the blog. I don’t always keep to everything my schedule tells me to do, but I do get stuff done. It helps me to have a schedule so I actually get up every morning and eat regularly as well.. Generally it gives me a much more structured every day life on days, where I’m off from work other places. But even though I call my blogging hours “work”, it’s not that hard work.. You know, it’s what I would be doing on my time off anyway!

How do you get around to getting stuff done on your days off?