9 inspiring instagrams to follow

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I often stalk my followers on instagram and one of them, that I’ve really come to like is Sara from @sararecycles, who has the coolest retro style. I also recently started following some mature ladies with seriously great style – @beatrixost  is on of those flamboyant women with a love for turbans and  @jennykeeoz puts up the most inspiring photos of her own style, fashion and art.



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@julieverhoeven is a super interesting illustrator, who draws and paints women in amazing colors and weird shapes. With @paridust you find fashion and art combined in an inspiring, symbiotic way and at @juliane_holmstroem you get an amazing version of graphic design with drawings, collage and painting.


instagrams to follow 3@timesupvintage is the best vintage shop in Copenhagen, who posts vintage campaigns and all the great clothes they have coming in.  @tortus_copenhagen, is also a shop in CPH and if you haven’t heard of it yet, here’s the lowdown: it’s curated by the worlds sexiest potter, who posts his amazing vases and hypnotic videos of making them.  @parisianfloors is in spired by the popular @ihavethisthingwithfloors, but is a bit more streamlined visual and includes great mens shoes on floors only found in Paris.


Which are your fave insta-profiles?