big changes

After having had my “little changes” posts going for a bunch of months, I’ve taken my print edited outfit photos to the next level. I think it’s quite interesting giving the photos a different focus than the outfits. I stead they’re about colors, prints, combinations.. And removing the eyes or face gives the focus a… Læs mere big changes

little changes #9

CLICK THE PHOTOS TO GO TO THE ORIGINAL OUTFIT POSTS  Summer’s here and because of that, this month’s little changes are going to be summery! I’m doing a floral theme and reminding myself that I’m not really that afraid of floral printed clothes as I thought. That blue jumpsuit on the first photo or the… Læs mere little changes #9

Inspired: Lukasz Wierzbowski

PHOTOS BY LUKASZ WIERZBOWSKI Recently I spotted a photographer on Pinterest, whom I’ve completely fallen for. I’ve had a bunch of his photos on my inboards for a long time now, without knowing that it was the same man who shot them, Lukas Wierzbowski. What attracts me to his photos is his unpretentiousness when it… Læs mere Inspired: Lukasz Wierzbowski