dreams of post exam shopping

asosafrica11: HER, 2: HER, 3: HER, 4: HER, 5: HER, 6: HER, 7: HER, 8: HER

It’s been a while since the blog has had an update, so.. Hello again! With exam panic and loads of things I’m also in the midst of, my energy’s almost completely gone after I get home from reading and working every day. Even though I plan to blog at night, I just completely out of brain activity after dinner, so I’ve been putting the blog aside a bit these last few days.

But something’s keeping me from having my mood go completely down – firstly an exciting project coming up this weekend with some talented people, and secondly the fact that I might let myself do some shopping when I’m done with my exams in a week. As mum alway said: When you’ve done something difficult, give yourself a present. Great rule!

At the moment I’m really into some nice things from Asos’ responsible line, Asos Africa, that has some awesome jumpsuits and dresses. I just can’t pick which one to give myself.. What do you think?