still life and flash back to old photos

freja beha silleben editorial plastic animanls sunglasses nemesis babe marie myrhøj jensen-2freja beha silleben editorial plastic animanls sunglasses nemesis babe marie myrhøj jensen-1photo 1: MESH BLOUSE: WEEKDAY, “SPRING”-RINGS: KRANZ & ZIEGLER, DINOSAUR: TIGER, GLOVES & SUNNIES: SECOND HAND, NAIL POLISHES: ESSIE, L’OREAL, APPEAL4

After an afternoon of thinking about which photos to show to you for todays inspirational post, I came to think of one of the editorials that I have always liked and that I remember so well. It’s an amazing editorial from Danish magazine Cover’s September issue from 2006, where Freja Beha, whom I had a serious obsession with, posed for Henrik Bülow and I copied the pages of the magazine(God forbid I would cut into them!) and stuck them onto my closet.

After a long time of googling and clicking on various links, I had to accept the fact that most photos of that exact editorial was impossible to find online. So I had to take out that old magazine and my camera myself, since I don’t have a scanner, which lead to me deciding that I might just as well add some more to those photos and I ended up doing some still life photos with my two fave spreads from that editorial. I love how both double pages have such a childish innocence to them and both are spiced up with some fun and dressing up.. I tried to capture that feeling I got from the photos and then went on a hunt for things to put in my little setup for these still life photos, which I ended up really liking!

I started out liking the more colorful photo the most, but after some time, I found myself getting more attracted to the darker, gloomier one – I think it has something to do with that mesh blouse!


Which one is your fave?