pastel dream

 EARRINGS: LINE ROSSAU, JUMPER: HOME MADE, SKIRT: VINTAGE, SHOES: BIANCO(HERE) I am living such a pastel life, since I dyed my har pink. Stine and I even found the prettiest pastel dream building to shoot this cute outfit by. I just Love the colors of the building and how they look with my hair and… Læs mere pastel dream

2 spring trends I’ve already got in my wardrobe

    1: HERE, 2: HERE, 3: HERE, 4: HERE FLORALS [show_shopthepost_widget id=”2650156″] Flowerprint is back in trend again-again-again. that’s one of the good things about this trend – it will never be un-trendy. It’s such a classic and especially in the spring and summer months and I’ve already got a good handful of floral… Læs mere 2 spring trends I’ve already got in my wardrobe

BIRTHDAY POST! 25 years and 25 things you didn’t know about me

Yaaaay, the most important day of the year is finally here, today I’m turning 25! I’m still as exited about birthdays as use to be and I’m celebrating with a personal post that I wouldn’t normally do on the blog. But it’s my birthday and I get to decide everthing and do whatever I want!… Læs mere BIRTHDAY POST! 25 years and 25 things you didn’t know about me

color blocking addict

JACKET & SCARF: SECOND HAND, DRESS: MONKI, BAG: BELSAC, SOCKS: & OTHER STORIES, SHOES: BIANCO(GIFT), EARRINGS: LINE ROSSAU(GIFT) I recently went all in on color blocking and wore orange from head to toe – I really love going for just one color in an outfit, it’s both simple and quite loud at the same time.… Læs mere color blocking addict