a braid for the non-braiders

Recently I found some inspiration online to do a cute hairdo, an elastic filled wannabe-braid. I’m gonna share it with you 1: because it’s so easy to do, 2: because it’s cool and 3: because for those of you who don’t braid, here’s a “braid” for you! You’ll need: a handfuld of tiny elastic bands… Læs mere a braid for the non-braiders

2 easy hairstyles for fall

nemesis babe frisure hairdo fall updo

Fall and it’s quick goodbye to light and warmth always surprises me. And with colder times comes challenges in both clothes and hair. You need to dress warmer and then, when putting on that scarf, the hair messes up. That messy hair under the scarf and then when the fall wind blows the air everywhere… Læs mere 2 easy hairstyles for fall

Kategoriseret som beauty @en

tip: fewer chemicals for your skin

  Purely Professional is probably known by many for their hair products using as little chemicals as possible and using organic ingredients when it’s possible. not too long ago I found out that they also did skincare and since I have quite  fine skin, and had just run out of day cream, I contacted them to ask… Læs mere tip: fewer chemicals for your skin

Kategoriseret som beauty @en